

RIAO Conferences



RIAO 2000

RIAO 2004

RIAO 2007

25th Anniversary




[version française]


36bis rue Ballu
75009 Paris
Tél :33 (0)1 42 85 04 75


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Colloquiums, Symposiums, Debates…

From the colloquia held in France, here are some examples:






 Web Search : Finding Information in Billions of Pages – University of Avignon – April 25, 2004

Content-based processing and retrieval of images : applications in art and medicine – Paris, Application Health School for Defense, March 31, 2003

Acces to multimedia information in a pedagogical environment (From e-learning to open and long-distance education) – Paris , Senate, June 10-11, 2002

Information retrieval, medical imaging and neurosciences – Paris, Senate, February 5-6, 1996

Multimedia Information retrieval. Emerging technology – Paris, College de France, December 7-8, 1993

The information trade: new technologies (with the cooperation of O.C.D.E.) – Paris, C.N.R.S. October 10-11, 1990

Converging technology for a new dimesnion of information systems – Paris, Collège de France, April 25-26, 1989

Research Laboratories, Industry and Information Retrieval – Paris, C.N.R.S. January 19-20, 1987

The place of Information retrieval in the office workspace – Paris, C.N.R.S. January 20-21, 1986

Advanced systems in information retrieval – Grenoble, March 21- 22, 1985

Training in Information retrieval – Paris, october 23-24, 1984

New aspects of Information Retrieval – Paris, C.N.R.S. October 24-25, 1983

Information Retrieval and Economic Information – Paris, Senate, October 18-19, 1982

Information Retrieval and Information – Paris, ASIEM, September 28-29, 1981

Information Retrieval and its use in the field of energy – Paris, Hotel Nikko, September 22-23, 1980


International colloquiums, here is a sample:



Language engineering and knowledge management – Montreal, McGill University, June 25-26, 1997

Information Retrieval and Neurosciences – Brussels, "Euro Village", June 15-16 1996

Applying Information Retrieval to Marked up or Structured Documents – New York, October 18-19, 1991

Artificial Intelligence and large Scale Information – Nagoya, Japan, November 14–16, 1990

Trends of Intelligent Hypermedia – Tokyo, Kaidaren Hall, October 25-26, 1990

Information Retrieval and Art Museums – Vancouver ,Canada; August 1986

Organization of Information in the South Pacific – Papeete, Tahiti, September 1986

Information Retrieval in West African countries – Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, October 1983

The C.I.D. had a branch in Lyon (Maisons des Ingénieurs) for many years and a number of colloquia and debates were also held there.


The C.I.D. also organized Seminars and Debates. Here is a sample:



Protection of documents and management of numerical rights, Institute of France, October 28, 2005

Random tree structures and their applications in various fields, Institute of France, November 9, 2004

Legal problems raised by Internet, School of Application of the Health service of the Armies, October 25, 2000

Computers and Art History – Paris, Application Health School of Defense, June 11, 1999

Computer-aided Surgery – Paris, Application Health School of Defense, April 22, 1998

Patrimonial data and their protection – Paris, Senat, January 6, 1998

Information in the multimedia world – Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, November 21 1995

Use of new technologies in the francophone environment : some examples – Paris, Institut de France, March 28, 1994

Numerical imaging and Information retrieval. – Paris, Institut de France, December 6, 1993

Intelligent input and understanding of the documents, progress and future perspectives – Paris, Senate, January 20, 1992




